Supplementary material to:
Problem Solving Environments for Biological Morphogenesis
Submitted to Computing in Science and Engineering, 2004
Roeland M.H. Merks1,*, Alfons G. Hoekstra1, Jaap A. Kaandorp1, Peter M.A. Sloot1 and Paulien Hogeweg2
1University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Section Computational Science
Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2Bioinformatics Group, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
VRML files
The VRML files can be viewed using any VRML97 or VRML2.0 client. They
have been tested with the Cortona
VRML client for Windows and Macintosh and with the VRML
view client for Linux, Irix and Windows NT/95. Other VRML
clients can be found at
the web3D repository.
MPEG growth movies
The MPEG movies can be viewed with any MPEG movie viewer, such as the freely downloadable QuickTime or RealPlayer. For Unix and Linux there are many good MPEG players around. For example, we like to use the following MPEG player for Unix.
Fig. 2
VRML models (three dimensional images): click image to download
MPEG growth movies (rotating viewpoint): click image to download
MPEG growth movies (fixed viewpoint): click image to download

Development of a ``critter''. Colors identify cell types. Critter development movie. [AVI high quality (5MB)] [(AVI low quality (700KB)]
*Present address: Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University, Dept. Physics, Swain Hall West 117, 727 E3rd Street, Bloomington , IN 47405-7105, USA
Roeland Merks
Last modified: Thu Dec 9 15:53:58 MET 2004