Electronic supplementary material: Three-dimensional images and growth movies

With the electronic supplementary material on these webpages (these were included on the CDROM accompanying the thesis), you will be able to watch all the coral models shown in the thesis figures interactively in three dimensions, turning them around with your mouse. Also, you can watch their growth in two sets of (non-interactive) MPEG-1 movie files. The first set shows the growth from a fixed viewpoint. In the second set of movies the corals rotate while growing, to enable you to watch their morphogenesis from all directions.

Please follow the steps below to watch the supplementary material.

  1. Install a VRML plug-in for the three-dimensional images, such as the Cortona VRML client for Windows and Macintosh. Installation instructions for Windows, Macintosh and Linux/Unix systems are given here.

    Install Cortona VRML Client!

  2. An MPEG-player should be installed on most Windows, Macintosh and Linux/Unix-systems. If it appears that you cannot play the movies on your system, please follow these instructions to install one.

VRML viewer installed? MPEG player is working?

Watch the movies and three-dimensional images below.

You can find movies and three-dimensional images for all the results of the accretive growth models shown in Chapters four, five and seven. Please click the chapter for which you would like to see the electronic material.

Try out the "Turing test"!

Compare the results of the polyp oriented radiate accretive growth model to three-dimensional scans of specimens of the stony coral Madracis mirabilis.

Full Colour PDF-file

If you want to search electronically through the thesis, this PDF-file may be useful for you. It can be displayed using the Acrobat Reader.

Roeland Merks
Last modified: Thu Apr 15 12:07:14 MEST 2004